What to Put on Job Application for Reason for Leaving if Fired

It's the interview question we all dread. The one where everyone tells you, "Exist honest but don't exist too honest".

That question is: "Why exercise you want to leave your job?"

Deciding how to answer this question tin can be catchy. There are many valid reasons why y'all might want to get out a job. And, although your potential new employer will understand your want to motility on, they will withal desire to know your reasons.

Remember, an interviewer tin can ask this question in many dissimilar ways, but your answer should still be roughly the aforementioned. Here are some variations yous may come up beyond:

  • What fabricated you quit your last chore?
  • What made y'all commencement looking for a new job?
  • You only worked for (number of days/weeks/months) for your last employer. Why?
  • What made you lot function ways with your last employer?

Ways to Approach This Question

The way you respond this question depends on your electric current work situation. For instance, if y'all're currently employed and looking to leave your job, you'll tackle information technology slightly differently (and may find the question easier) than if you've already left your previous function and are out of work.

That's because many employers worry that leaving a job before you detect a new role indicates there was a serious issue, and will be on the picket for replies that point to real bug.

Regardless of your current state of affairs, it's possible to codify an effective response that will give future employers the right impression and demonstrate not merely your ethics and ambitions, but also your noesis of the company and how they fit together.

Beneath are tips on how to structure your reply, based on unlike scenarios:

If You Are Currently Employed

You are in a strong position. Be honest about your reply and use your employment as an nugget. Tell them that y'all are looking for a better opportunity and that you are currently on practiced terms with your employer.

If You Have Been out of Piece of work for Some Fourth dimension

Yep, there is some explaining to do as to why you have remained unemployed - only don't present yourself as a victim. The best style to answer is to bear witness that the time yous have spent unemployed was productive, i.e. you learned something new that adds to your skill fix.

If You Were Fired or Made Redundant From Your Previous Job

If you were made redundant or fired from your previous job, you should focus on two main points:

  1. To avoid blaming your employer for that result, and

  2. Stating your experience earlier getting fired and how you value what you learned during your employment at that place.

If You Have Inverse Your Past Few Jobs Ofttimes

If y'all take been a job-hopper, this is the toughest question for you. One way to answer is to state the reasons for quitting honestly while proverb what you lot learned – for your current job and the previous one at to the lowest degree.

The 2d way is to be creative and say that in each case you've moved for an evident reason, east.g. career progression, more interesting role, better grooming etc.

Before You Beginning

The purpose of this article is to help you express your reasons for leaving in a manner that will satisfy your electric current and prospective employers.

Therefore, before reading the top 10 reasons you might want to leave your job, brand your own shortlist of reasons (however vague they may be).

Keep them at the forefront of your heed as y'all read on.

Top 10 Reasons for Leaving a Job

1. You Are Looking for Opportunities to Progress

For example, you feel you accept outgrown your position. Employers will like that you are proactive enough to await for new opportunities, so long as you:

  1. Mention specific career goals – Such as a desire to take on more responsibility.
  2. Appear motivated – Practice not imply that you lot didn't progress in your last job because you didn't chase any opportunities.
  3. Don't badmouth your previous employer – Never imply that they were holding you back.

Good respond:

"Although I relish my electric current role, I am looking to have a bigger challenge and motility into a position that allows me more space to develop professionally."

Bad answer:

"I got passed over for a promotion. I'm fed up with people barely even noticing I exist."

2. The Company Restructured or the Dynamics Changed

Companies abound and evolve, and internal dynamics change equally a result. Acceptable answers for leaving a job will focus on the positives of the situation. Try not to announced resentful or propose that yous were unwilling to endeavor and arrange.

Adept answer:

"My team recently downsized and the scope of my responsibilities narrowed. Although this was necessary for the company'due south new management, I think it'southward fourth dimension for me to pursue opportunities which amend fit my skill fix."

Bad answer:

"My quondam director left, and my new managing director is useless."

3. You Weren't Enjoying the Work

An employer will exist impressed by your motivation to find a career which you relish and which fulfils you lot. After all, a satisfied employee is a productive one. Simply brand sure you don't arraign your lack of enjoyment on your employer.

Practiced answer:

"Although I appreciated the opportunity, after reconsidering my long-term goals, I decided I desire to pursue a career in social research instead."

Bad answer:

"I don't like the job because my managing director only gives me boring tasks to do."

four. Personal Reasons

Family and wellness e'er come starting time and are proficient reasons for leaving a job. But remember, you do not accept to disclose your health problems or disabilities to your employer if y'all don't want to. Therefore, be as vague as you similar.

"I had family unit problems which required me to move closer to home."

"I accept to leave this chore because of wellness problems."

"I decided to be a stay-at-home parent to my children. Now they are in school, I am ready to re-enter the workplace."

5. You Decided to Pursue Other Goals

Alternative goals might include a total career change, or a render to schoolhouse to gain farther qualifications.

These reasons are acceptable, merely brand sure yous are ever focusing on your professional evolution. For instance, if you left your last job to travel the world, focus on your discovery of different cultures, and the life lessons you learned forth the mode. Don't focus on the nightly beach parties yous attended in Thailand.

Good answers:

"I decided to take a bit of time to re-authorize in social care every bit this is where my passions lie."

"I wanted to take a year out to travel so I could learn more about the earth. I now want to use what I have learnt in my time to come career every bit a teacher."

Bad answer:

"I inherited some money from my grandparents then I decided to just have a bit of fun for a year."

Too Awesome

Competency-Based Interview Questions - Management Skills

6. You're Cocky-Employed or a Part-Timer Looking for Total-Time Employment

Whatever the reason for becoming self-employed or going part-fourth dimension, a prospective employer volition be interested in your conclusion to render to full-time work. To satisfy them, always give positive reasons for returning.

For case, if you ran your own business which subsequently failed, focus on your entrepreneurial spirit, what you learned from the experience, and how y'all can bring your new skills to a total-time job.

Good respond:

"I pursued my ain business for three years. Unfortunately, the market place downwards-turned and the business organisation became untenable. Despite this, I accept gained valuable skills, such as the ability to manage my fourth dimension well, which I now want to bring to a full-fourth dimension role."

Bad answer:

"I tried to run my own business but I wasn't making whatever money so I accept had to await for a full-fourth dimension job."

7. You lot Want More than Flexibility

Mayhap y'all work odd hours and are looking for a more traditional nine-to-five job. Or maybe you have family responsibilities that hateful you need a flexible employer.

This reason needs to be phrased advisedly to avert making you sound unreliable. When applying for jobs:

  • Ensure you recognize the employer's need for a dedicated employee.
  • Emphasize your ability to manage your time well.
  • Emphasize that you aren't fugitive responsibility, simply ensuring you can residuum the demands of your job and your personal life.

Good answer:

"My previous job didn't allow the flexible schedule I needed to care for my children and focus on my piece of work."

Bad respond:

"I don't really want to piece of work and then many hours; I'd rather be at dwelling house."

8. Yous Were Offered a Better Opportunity

Unless yous are task-hopping every few months, leaving one task to take up a ameliorate opportunity at some other visitor is never a bad affair.

You don't demand to embellish your reasons. A good reply may exist:

"A great opportunity came upwardly that I wanted to accept"

9. The Commute to Your Current Job Is As well Long or You Are Being Asked to Transfer Location

A respectable employer understands that a adept work/life balance is essential to maintaining happy, productive employees.

Good respond:

"The company is closing its caput office and moving to [far away city]. I was offered the opportunity to transfer. However, my family and I would prefer to go along living here."

Bad answer:

"My company sends me abroad for two weeks every month against my will, and it'southward fierce my family apart."

This respond is bad considering it pushes blame onto the employer.

10. Yous Were Laid off or Fired

Recollect, you do not have to disclose to an employer that y'all were let go from a previous job. However, if you lot are directly questioned in an interview about how your previous employment ended, it can exist difficult to side-step the issue. Sometimes honesty is the best pick, though always put a positive spin on the state of affairs.

You lot were laid off

If you were laid off, the reason was related to the company rather than your functioning. For example, the company downsized or restructured. Ensure you mention that y'all left the employer on adept terms.

Good answer:

"Unfortunately my squad was absorbed into a larger i and my position became redundant. However, my former employer will exist happy to provide a reference."

Y'all were fired

If yous were fired, the reason would accept been related to something you did. For example, your performance was non reaching the expectations of your employer.

When expressing this to a prospective employer, practice not lie or criticize your employer. Instead, have any mistakes you made, and explain how you learned from them.

Good reply:

"Shortly after I was hired, my responsibilities progressed beyond my experience level. Although I relished the challenge of learning on the job, I appreciate my employer required someone with more than expertise. I am therefore looking for a role which better suits my interests and skills."

Things You Should Avoid Saying

In addition to the top 10 reasons to a higher place, here are some things you should not say:

  1. Do non criticize your employer. Being critical of your former or current company, dominate or colleagues not simply looks unprofessional, but will brand the interviewer question whether you will be as disquisitional of their company should you lot go the chore – which may well make them think twice about offering it to you.

  2. Do not become defensive. Your interviewer is simply trying to get a feel for the kind of employee you might be.

  3. Avoid using unprofessional words such as 'slow', 'annoying', or 'tedious' to draw a previous task.

  4. Avoid using company politics every bit a reason for leaving. It can exist taken as a criticism of your previous employer.

  5. Don't give vague answers as it will brand you sound like you're non sure of your motivation and therefore of your interest in the job in question. At that place might exist many reasons why you want to leave, simply pinpoint two or three positive reasons that you tin can tailor and relate back to the role you're interviewing for.

Resist saying how unhappy you are in your current role.

How to Set up in Accelerate

As with all interview questions, answering honestly is actually of import – not merely to ensure you are a practiced fit for the visitor and they for yous, just to avoid sounding imitation.

For example, many interviewees will happily reply that they are looking for a new challenge. This may be true, merely you lot'll need to back your answer up with examples of what these challenges are – and how you feel the role in question satisfies that desire - if you want your answer to be effective and convincing.

To prepare, the best thing you can do is spend some time thinking about the real reasons you lot're looking to go out or have already left. In many cases, the reasons may not all be positive.

For case, you might be looking to step up into a more senior position and manage a larger team, but you lot might also take a hard human relationship with your boss that has prompted your decision to exit.

When deciding how to answer, it's of import to nowadays yourself as a positive, proactive and rational person who is leaving for the right reasons. As a result, it's best to avoid listing reasons that reveal issues with other members of staff or with the visitor overall. If that's unavoidable, information technology'southward important to put a positive spin on things.

For example, if you lot're applying for a role as a manager but have had problems with a more junior colleague, don't say:

"I really desire to leave because of our team assistant, Marking. He only has no idea what he is doing and I end up having to pick up all his piece of work and do it for him, giving me double the workload for the aforementioned bacon – it's really frustrating."

Instead, you could say:

*> "I've been working closely with a inferior colleague to help him improve his performance and as a result have undertaken additional tasks and responsibilities.

"I've really enjoyed being able to mentor and train him and am looking for a new role that will enable me to develop these managerial skills.

"I understand the junior manager role here has two direct reports and I recall it would exist a bang-up opportunity to use the skills I've learned in my electric current role and develop them to the next level."*

Constructive Sample Answers

Sales Managing director (currently employed):

*"I've been at the company for 4 years and take worked my way up from a inferior sales office to sales manager in that time.

"Throughout this period, I've had the opportunity to develop my sales skills and have worked with, and now managed, an incredible team that has consistently browbeaten its targets by upward to 30% every quarter under my leadership.

"Having achieved what I set up out to do, I feel that the skills and experience I've gained there accept equipped me to take the next footstep in my career.

"I'grand ready to tackle bigger challenges in a more senior regional sales role. This position in particular really appeals to me, equally information technology will enable me to use my existing experience to have the pace up to managing a larger team, while using my strategic planning skills to help the company beat targets across a wider product range."*

Financial Advisor (non currently employed):

*"I worked at my terminal company for 18 months and I learned a lot in that time. When the company was taken over by GTV Banking, restructuring meant that there were a number of redundancies across several departments.

"In my department six out of twelve personnel were made redundant, all of whom were juniors. I'yard really happy that I had the take a chance to work there, though, as it gave me a wealth of experience and enabled me to put what I learned during my internships into practice.

"In addition, the back-up enabled me to seek out a new challenge with this additional experience.

"The role here appeals to me as I'll be able to employ the customer advisory experience I accept, while developing in a larger team and gaining skills thanks to your training and evolution programme. I've heard nifty things near how the company invests in its staff and the training opportunities on offer and that'south something I'thousand really keen to find in my next role."*

Supply Chain Director (currently employed):

*"I've been at my current company for ii and a half years and I've gained a huge amount of feel in food supply chain and logistics, going from managing a supply chain of iv suppliers and seven distributors to x suppliers, eighteen distributors and a fleet of delivery vehicles.

"Having seen our annual turnover increase by 22%, I'm at present swell to put my skills to work for a larger company with more scope for progression.

"I'm excited past this role as I know it is ane that has been created to facilitate the company'due south evolution into food and beverage sales. It looks similar a role with huge scope for development, one that I can really go my teeth into and that volition brand use of the in-depth experience and contacts I accept in the nutrient and beverage manufacture, which is exactly what I'm looking for."*

Developer (out of piece of work for some fourth dimension):

"I accept been unemployed for six months because I chose to be so. I'm lucky plenty that I was able to raise enough surplus income from my previous office to mean I didn't have to work for a while – so I took that opportunity to live in Thailand and teach myself some new programming languages, via a combination of self-teaching and online courses.

"Given that this role requires knowledge of Python, which was one of the languages I learned and have since used, I wouldn't be hither today in this interview if I hadn't taken that fourth dimension off to recharge and re-brainwash myself."*

Explaining Why You Want to Get out a Job

Now you tin can limited your reasons for wanting to exit your job, here are some tips for success in 3 vital contexts.

ane. Your Task Awarding

In addition to a resume and a encompass letter, many companies too crave yous to fill in a formal job awarding, which might include the question "Why do you want to leave your job?".

  • Starting time, ensure your answer is consistent with the remainder of the application. If yous respond a question on career goals with, "I want to pursue a career in sealife conservation," do not later say, "I left my last job considering I hated rescuing turtles".

  • 2d, go on it brief, only ensure you tin can expand on your reasons in your job interview. The chore application is frequently a jumping off point for your interviewer'south questions. Don't say you left to pursue other goals if you don't actually accept any goals to talk over.

  • Finally, focus on your professional development, skills and career goals rather than your previous employer's shortcomings.

2. Answering the Interview Question "Why Did You Leave Your Last Job?"

Your interviewer is asking the 'reasons for leaving' interview question to discover:

  • Whether y'all left your concluding job for the right reasons. Your interviewer wants to know that you volition be a loyal, defended employee.

  • Whether yous left of your own will. If you were allow become, your interviewer will effort to guess whether you lot had whatsoever operation issues that might affect y'all in this task.

  • Whether you are on adept terms with your previous employer. If you are, this suggests y'all are proficient at maintaining relationships.

Follow-upward Questions to Anticipate

Depending on your reasons, your interviewer is likely to ask you some follow-upwardly questions. For example:

"Did you attempt to resolve the situation with your employer earlier leaving your task?"

Hither your interviewer volition want to find out whether you resolve conflicts proactively and professionally.

  • Ensure you do not blame your issues on your previous employer.

  • Give specific examples of how you tried to resolve your issues. For example, "I discussed the possibility of moving to a role within the sale team with my manager. However, no position was available. My best selection was therefore to pursue other opportunities."

"Why did you lot utilise for this position?"

  • Do your reasons for leaving your last job coincide with your awarding for this job?

  • For example, "I am prepared to manage larger projects than are bachelor at my current task. I applied for this position because I would be taking the lead on four to six major projects a year".

"What are your expectations for your next role?"

  • As above, you need to link the reasons for leaving your last job with your reasons for applying for this job.

  • For case, you could mention the opportunities for progression, or the opportunity to take on a direction office.

iii. How to Tell Your Current Employer You Desire to Leave

Information technology is vital to requite your managing director valid reasons when informing them y'all want to get out your task because:

  • You want a practiced reference.
  • Your reputation as an employee could attain the ears of prospective employers.

Here are some tips for telling your current employer you lot want to leave:

  1. Set up thoroughly – Consult your employee handbook and familiarize yourself with your find flow. Write detailed notes of your reasons for leaving so you don't forget anything. Make an appointment with your director in a private room then yous can talk at length without being disturbed.

  2. Be honest, confident and direct – Tell your manager straight that you want to leave. Don't embellish your reasons or act like you don't have a choice but to exit. It is better to say, "I've accepted another opportunity" rather than, "I've received another offer. I can't say no. My family needs to eat. Surely you sympathize?"

  3. Be appreciative – Thank your managing director for anything you gained from this job, such as specific training or relationships y'all built with colleagues.

  4. Don't fire bridges – Don't imply you tin can't look to escape the company. Yous might need to telephone call upon your connections in the futurity.

  5. Tie off the loose ends – Discuss how you volition manage your last few weeks at the visitor. For example, if you lot need to distribute your workload to colleagues.

Final Thoughts

This commodity has outlined the top 10 reasons you may want to get out your task, and how to approach the situation in three different contexts. You now take the tools to express your own reasons sufficiently, but here are some key points to remember every bit you go:

  • Keep your reply brief and straightforward. The more details yous provide, the more room you create for the interviewer to ask potentially awkward questions.
  • Never disparage your employer.
  • Focus on what yous learned, rather than ranting about what you lost.
  • Make sure your answer is consistent across your job awarding, interview and when you tell your electric current employer y'all want to exit.
  • And, most importantly, be honest but positive.


Source: https://www.wikijob.co.uk/application-advice/job-offers/top-10-reasons-to-leave-job

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